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Estimated time of a process

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 3:01 pm
by Lawrence
I am currently practising again on ST and as of this afternoon, I have been waiting for an interestingly long time for a 'precision' setting to works its way through. My camera is an SX M25C (image binned x2). After two hours waiting it occurred to me that if an estimated time for the function to complete could be shown, decrementing (or even incrementing!) this would be helpful. My laptop is a 4-core ADM 2/2 - 3.4GHz with 8Gb RAM.

[later edit] Just after posting, the program completed; I updated the dark anomaly setting (1 to 2) and the long process started all over again. The display shows 'detecting gradients' and I have the 'precision' setting at 1024x1024 pixels.


Lawrence Harris