Wavelet/Scale highlight toggle in Sharp?

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Wavelet/Scale highlight toggle in Sharp?

Post by Carles »

While reviewing the manual, in the Sharp module user notes, when it comes to the Scales it confuses me a bit.
I usually don't touch this parameters, and concentrate on the right-hand side controls.
But even if I wanted to modify those parameters, I wouldn't know where to start from, as I don't really know/see
where it is going to affect.
Would it be possible to toggle/highlight what areas are individually in each scale?
In that regard, as an example of what I mean, Registax comes to mind.
in the "wavelets" there's a "preview" button, that, in theory since it all looks the same to me when I click, highlights
the layers/scales that a particular parameter will affect.

So, something similar, to know if one wants to try and modify the Scale's parameters in Sharp module, have a sort
of guide on what will it change. I am aware that the "?" icon gives a hint about what will affect though..
Maybe is not useful or needed, but well, just an idea ^^;

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