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Re: Lockup

Post by admin »


I have no idea what might be causing this. To start diagnosing this, I'd need to know your system's specs. Does the 1.4.x version exhibit the same behaviour? Is your system running hot when using StarTools?

Ivo Jager
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Strtools lockup

Post by Ridgesoar »

I'm back with my same problem. I have a Toshiba Satellite with oodles of memory (windows8). I just had a computer specialist look at it and remove anything that was running in the background . We're down to about 10% CPU usage with StarTools running. Everything else loads quickly and runs nicely.
Now back to StarTools -- I downloaded the latest (1.4 ) that Ivo provided with a very kindly license included. BUT every time I get to wipe , trying to do a wipe ,it stops working very quickly and completely locks my computer so,I have to force quit.
I'm at the end of my troubleshooting . Any ideas?
Ok-another try doing things in a different order. All seems to work until I try Wipe then does one "dark anomaly " swipe and gets about a quarter in the next when it locks everything and have to force quit computer .
Should I go back and try to download 1.3 ?

I think now I should be in the Developing group but let me now clarify my Stupidity! It just took a very long time to do the Wipe ( maybe half an hour to 45 min) and I was quitting too early.

Doing Sadr with Nebulosity-- should I be binning before start . Thnaks

Finally found the problem I hope. My windows 8 did several updates since I last used StarTools. I went to Compatabilty for the heck of it and it messed with things , program works fine, it saved those settings that enable the program to work. I'll file this away for the future.
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Re: StarTools general

Post by admin »


Could you share the settings that fixed the problem for you?
How much memory has your machine got?
What resolution (width x height) are your processing?
Does the same problem occur if you bin your image first?
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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