IC 2944 Running Chicken Re Process

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Posts: 361
Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:49 am

Re: IC 2944 Running Chicken Re Process

Post by Startrek »

Hi Ivo,
I’m not criticising HDR 1.8 at all , but find the presets unusable for my data sets , Reveal and Optimise in particular
I have to reduce Context size to 30% which is fine but Boosts have to be reduced to 10% or lower to achieve a subtle result
The main structure nebulosity resembles shattered glass when using defaults
Tame works ok reducing the setting from 1.24 down to 1.03 to 1.05
I’m away at present but I will post some images of my recent IC 2944 using Reveal defaults and Optimise defaults in a week or so

Clear Skies
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