Messier 100

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Messier 100

Post by fmeireso »

Nice object but more difficult then i thought. 168 light frames, 149 flats and 53 bias stacked in PI in less then 38 minutes gave me eventually the result below. I am rather ok with it, but i messed up my big orange stars a bit. I had as mostly usual a gradient.

I took it in April, 2 evenenings only to found out it lacked integration time; So i shot yesterday another 2,5 hours and wanted still thesame for today but the weahter decided not to cooperate..high clouds will come in now any time...

Processed in ST 1.9.549
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Re: Messier 100

Post by decay »

Nice, Freddy :) It looks a bit like the version in Stellarium. And I like the tiny galaxies in the background. I always wanted to take a shot of the nearby Markarian's Chain, but I had no opportunity until now :(
fmeireso wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 8:33 pm Nice object but more difficult then i thought.
So you found it smaller and dimmer then thought? On Astrobin I saw you used your TS 130 mm APO, so at f/7 with 900 mm focal length. Focal length is similar to my 8" f/5 Newtonian (1000 mm), but at f/7 you probably need some more integration time ... Gradient does not matter that much in this case I suppose, because the object is small in relation to the whole field, so ST should have an easy job getting rid of the gradient ... ? And obviously you succeeded well :thumbsup:
fmeireso wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 8:33 pm but i messed up my big orange stars a bit
Yes, the larger stars seem to show some kind of ringing and other artefacts. Hmm ... :think: would be interesting to know, at which point of your processing workflow this happens. Or is it already in your stack? Did you use SVD? Did you use a synthetic model or samples?

Best regards, Dietmar.
Posts: 375
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Location: Belgium

Re: Messier 100

Post by fmeireso »

Thanks Dietmar,

I don't really know where the artifacts on the brighter stars got in. But i noticed after the color module there centers had a bit of a strange color, white to the core more orange the the outer edge. So touched them a bit up...

Maybe something with the stack indeed....from the start.
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