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M27 , green or blue

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 7:32 pm
by fmeireso
A shot of M27. plain OSC DSLR no filters.

Kinda like it but i have some question in my mind. Is this object blueish or greenish. It seems that it emits dubbel ionised gaz, which should be green at 500 nm i read...It comes out green in Startools but i have that in all my pictures

Secondly, how should i proceed. Wonder if it makes sense to take a Ha Lum shot at it, to reveal perhaps a bit more red Ha. I guess i have to try will i, if i want to know.

Seems like a great target for my L-enhance, only unfortunately i can't use the filter since my FF is not threaded inside for filter...totally forgot to check this when i bought it at the time/

CroppedM272.jpg (470.69 KiB) Viewed 1401 times

Re: M27 , green or blue

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 9:32 pm
by dx_ron
Nice shot, Freddy. It obviously has a ton of Oiii so a teal seems logical. The red has both Ha and a bunch of Nii, so OSC versions tend to a stronger blood red tone. As for narrowband, if you gather enough nb data it starts to look like a completely different nebula (a randon abin example is )

Re: M27 , green or blue

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 6:02 am
by fmeireso
Thanks Ron,

Yeah, something like that in the link you posted would be nice to capture. It makes the object also bigger, there is more there then on my picture.
Of course my integration was still rather short. I really want on the next occasion capture some Ha and see what result it will give, i am more then curious...

Re: M27 , green or blue

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:01 pm
by fmeireso
Well, it did not quite work out...

This is about how far as i came with it ... :think: