Hi Stefan, thanks!

Yes, a lot of detail, more than I had hoped for. The sunflower is clearly visible. But honestly, just because of SVDecon.
Thanks for pointing out the purple cast. That seems to be a recurring problem for me. Processed seven (ty-seven) times and still off target.

. I think it’s mostly due to a colour cast of my display. One fine day I will have to buy such a fine calibration tool.
But beside of this the rest of the processing wasn’t easy, too. I did an aggressive Wipe to mitigate gradients using the ‘Basic’ preset, but boosted aggressiveness up to 97%. Still not sure when it’s better to use the ‘Uncalibrated’ preset

. Then in OptiDev I noticed that the galaxy was quite dim so I pushed Detector Gamma to 1.21 in order to get the galaxy brighter. How did you get your NGC 3718 so bright? I narrowed the ROI and lowered Shadow Linearity to get a dark background. I think I learned that the background has to be quite dark. Only a little bit to much background noise/brightness will lead to this annoying mottling later on in SuperStructure and/or Denoise modules. SVDecon did an awesome job on the structures of the galaxy. Then Colour module with limited Saturation to avoid stars looking like M&Ms, followed by SuperStructure’s ‘Brighten’ and ‘Saturate’ presets in order to bring in some more colour and brightness to the galaxy.
This time I tried a new approach regarding the background: As described above I kept it dark and did noise reduction with a low Grain Size setting of only 2.7 px. The result is some visible noise in the outer faint parts of the galaxy, but the background looks much more pleasing to me. Yeah, I dunno. What do you think? I’m not sure what Steve did with his NGC 3718. Probably he processed a dark background like I did and then dialed in some sky glow using FilmDev?
So you have been offline the day after? I think I know what you’re talking about!

Too bad that you missed the aurora borealis.

But it was a bit of good luck for me, too. In the forecast they told us it would be visible at about 4:00 am, but actually it was much earlier. To be honest, I haven’t thought it would be visible at all. So I set up my rig and we settled down on the couch to watch some TV. Now and then I had a glimpse onto my remote EKOS session and at about midnight I wondered that my lights have been _much_ brighter (and very red!) than the night before. Otherwise I would probably have gone to bed too.
Best regards, Dietmar.