no colour under lrgb compose

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no colour under lrgb compose

Post by Rkonrad »

Hello Ivo,

I've tried numerous datasets and can't get any colour when I load L R G B under compose. This includes some of Jim Misti's sets as well as some others - but the colour module doesn't register any colour at all. Thought you'd like to know.

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Re: no colour under lrgb compose

Post by admin »

Hi Richard,

I'm having trouble replicating this issue.
Is there a particular dataset from Jim Misti I can try? What option for Luminance, Color did you use in the Compose module? Did you try the various presets and/or changing the Saturation Amount in the color module?
Thank you!
Ivo Jager
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Re: no colour under lrgb compose

Post by Rkonrad »

Hi Ivo,

I thought it wold be the simplest to send you a video of 2 data sets of Jim Mistis. I've tried others too with the same results. Thanks!

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Re: no colour under lrgb compose

Post by admin »

Hi Richard,

Thank you very much for going through the trouble of shooting a video. It was very helpful!
I'm 99% sure the issue is that you are indicating that the dataset has been Bayered previously (e.g. you indicate that it is from a DSLR or OSC and has not been white balanced yet), which is obviously not the case (you just set it up as an LRGB composite!).

What this option does, is create a new LRGB composite from the visible dataset (which is mono in this case), with a 2x green, 1x blue and 1x red weighting, while separating the color as 1x green, 1x blue and 1x red. As it bases all this off the currently visible image (which is mono) there is no color in the separated color.

Choosing the first option should avoid this issue.

It just so happens I uploaded a new version today (1.5.369) that renames the choices and explains them a little better. I hope this will avoid confusion in the future.

Let me know if this is indeed the issue and we can close this bug!

Ivo Jager
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Re: no colour under lrgb compose

Post by Rkonrad »

That was simple. Thanks Ivo!

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