Multinight session

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Multinight session

Post by JotaLillo »


I would like to add several nights of photography to have more information when stacking.

What would be the correct way to do it? I use DSS to stack and Startools to process.

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Re: Multinight session

Post by admin »

I'm hoping others can chime in here as well, but in general the idea is to keep things (that are in your control) as constant as possible. Then, in theory, you can just wait until astronomical dusk and start shooting again to add to your light stack.
One thing that catches some people out, is flats. They are dependent on your camera's orientation/rotation (e.g. the way it is attached to your scope). That means your camera's orientation needs to stay the same between nights.

All that said, worst case, you can blend two calibrated stacks from different nights together (provided you align them of course). The blend ratio would depend on the total exposure time.

Hope this helps & curious to hear about other people's advice!
Ivo Jager
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Re: Multinight session

Post by happy-kat »

DSS can be used to stack, make use of the group tabs, but note calibrations files need to be set up correctly in the right groups though some are global and not group specific.
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