Problems installing software on Mac.

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Problems installing software on Mac.

Post by Terrierist »

Hello Ivo.

I'm a newcomer to AP and was delighted to read about your program as I would love to stay with my Mac and not run it on a Windows machine.

I'm able to download and get past the open/untrusted developer thing, when trying to start ST up, I get the attached message.

What am I doing wrong, please?

Thanks in advance for any advice, here is the machine spec.

2.7Ghz Intel Core i5

8Gb Ram 1867 Mhz DDR3

Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 Mb

Kev, Liverpool, UK.
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Re: Problems installing software on Mac.

Post by admin »

Hi Kev,

Sorry for the late reply.

It appears the application is not able to read the resources file.
Which version of macOS are you on?

Especially for the latest versions of macOS, you should be using the 1.4.x "Bleeding Edge" versions, as these now work 64-bit natively on macOS.

Due to Apple's increasing restrictions on independent 3rd party developers/distribution, there are some small hoops to jump through, depending on the version of macOS (or MacOS X) you are running.
You can read more about this here.

Apologies again for the late reply - do let me know how you get on!
Ivo Jager
StarTools creator and astronomy enthusiast
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